You don't to look far for some great entertainment, just go to the ward talent show! We had some great Friday night fun watching people do funny stuff. Joe's comment as we were leaving was "I love being Mormon."
It's so true that you can have fun and still live the gospel.
GOOD BUY!!! Joe and I went Garage sale shopping Saturday Morning. I get some sort of weird thrill doing this. We ;eft at about 7:30am and would do drive bys and check if there was anything good and if not, it was on to the next house. We hit the jackpot when we found a community garage sale! I found this excersaucer and other thing (I don't know the name) for $40, and this stuff is barely used! So really, before you go to Target and spend hundreds on baby stuff, go to garage sales!

Hours of fun for everyone! (and a break for mommy) :)
5 comments: did hit the jack pot. Both of those look so awesome. Way to go!!! two weeks is up tom. and I have not cheated once. 10 pounds!!! I hope it keeps coming off. I'll keep you posted!!!
wow, thats exciting that you found both of those! i just registered this weekend and all i have to say is you need a lot of expensive crap! :)
Ethan is burried in toys in that saucer! You can just tell how happy he is! Good for you guys.
Jamie: nice job! I'm so glad you're doing so well on the diet, you hot mama!
Beth, it'll be nice to get a lot of the stuff you registered for and then you can just get the extras afterwards. Are you having your shower here?
Aimee, I checked the price on the exersaucer at Target, and this thing would have been $100 alone. Craziness! You'll have to borrow it when you have your next little one. :)
Nice work Ash k and what is this diet? I want to know about it:) I love the pictures you have at the top of your blog. I can't wait to get together again and hopefully be able to bring Kash this time:)
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