New wiggles debut:

So I made the mistake of letting Ethan watch this show ONE TIME and now it's all I hear about! The sad thing is, I'm starting to like it too! The songs are so catchy, in fact, Joe and I find ourselves walking around the house singing toot toot chugga chugga big red car more often then we probably should. Every time I ask Ethan "What show do you wanna watch?" Among all of the other kids shows out there,I'm hoping he will say "The Wiggles!" And 99 perect of the time he does. Of course we can't ignore the stigma that comes with The Wiggles about them all being feminine, but I have to say, as many times as I have sat through the show I've noticed that 3 of them are wearing wedding rings, and one if them has a baby. The purple one, Jeff, does not wear a wedding ring, BUT he's purple, and it seems to be a theme through many of the children shows that whatever is purple; Barney the dinosaur, and Tinky Winky from the teletubbies is thought to be, well, gay.

Well I don't know either way if the characters themselves, in their personal lives have these problems, but I do know that these shows help me, as a busy mom, to be sane! If I can get something done here and there, then I'm all for it.
TTFN, ta ta for now!
Those songs DO get stuck in your head, don't they?? I remember when I used to baby-sit a little boy and he LOVED that show! I was constantly humming those dang songs! Love the "Hunt Wiggles" pic! There's a keeper!
At least they are better than Barney, that one just annoys me! I like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, which, luckily is Aaralyn's favorite! She will beg to watch it all day! She has learned so much from it though, counting and problem solving, so I don't have to feel to guilty about letting her watch too much TV. Sometimes I feel like I am getting to be a lazy mom though, and letting the TV teach her more than I do!
Haha I love the pic Ashley. Thanks for the comment. I love your new website! It is so cute and easy to use.
Like a year ago we had the same Wiggle problem! But hey he outgrew it! The songs are so catchy and I still remember them, too funny! Love the "new" wiggles by the way! Your so talented!
This is too funny! I am glad to say that Chandler has NEVER seen a single episode of the wiggles. He loves Mickey Mouse though and is on a Monster's Inc. kick right now. He would watch it all day long if I let him. I just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment Ashley. You have no idea how much it meant to me! I am not having the greatest week and that really made me feel good! I can't wait to see you again either! It has been over a year now. I finally got photoshop cs3, so if you have any tips for me on making me own stuff I would love them. Hope you guys are doing great! Looks like the website is a hit! Congrats!
That is so funny!! Micah's neices really seem to love the Wiggles! And you are right, they do have some catchy songs! haha! At least it is better than Barney! Every time I've watched that show, I just wanna punch those little kids like the big bully I am!!
Wedding rings??? Maybe they are "commitment rings". Personally I can't stand that show...makes me want to do something I shouldn't.
So these are the things I have to look forward to. Can't wait... Maybe by then there will be another PURPLE person Deacon can watch... but if it gets us through the day a little better than it is totally worth it!
I so understand the songs are catchy, i actually know the wiggles songs better then i know thw ones on the radio! Haha! Thanks for the sweet comment about gunner.
If it eases your mind, all of the Wiggles, past and present, are married (to actual women) with the exception of Jeff Fatt.
Your blogger profile is posted on a blog, I don't know if this is related to you or not, but you may want to make your profile private if not.
Who is this anonymous person?
I love you ash. We have all been there.
I STILL have these songs going through my head and we haven't watched this show in a few years!
Hey Ash, do you know what's up with the templates? All of a sudden your cutest blogs site is missing, and so is my cute template I had from you. Is it a blogger thing, or something else? I noticed some of my widgets are missing too. Weird. I'm missing my cuteness!
it may disturb you to know however that the yellow wiggle is married to dorothy the dinosaur. because, you know, if gay couples freak you out that much, surely inter-species couples are a whole other level of perversion. i'd stop watching the wiggles immediately because your son will surely either be gay or else fall in love with the neighbor's dog.
Haha, cute. Yeah you can come see her anytime. We love her, she is so darn cute.
Ashley, I just love your blog. Do you do photography? Your pictures are so good. You are so darn talented girl.
Hahaha Ashley how funny! I love it! It threw me off at took me a second to realize that wasnt you! haha so fun!
We love the Wiggles too! Cason really loved watching them. Your blog is so cute! I need help with mine. I need your email so I can add you on!
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