We made the trek to Greer this weekend. After seeing how clear and pretty it is there, I realized how smoggy and brown it is here! The sky in Greer is actually blue, whereas here, it's brownish grey. Oh well, pollution isn't going anywhere soon so I guess I better get used to breathing it. Joe is working on the marketing for a golf course/ housing community there. SO WE took a golf cart out there and drove all around. I had no idea how fun it is to ride around in a golf cart. Ethan had a blast too! Who knew?
Then Joe threw my dog Barbie out of the golf cart and made her run for about 8 holes. She's a fast little sucker and she kept up real well. It was pure entertainment! Let's just say she was pooped afterwards.

cute pics. dont you love little get aways! i sure do. and i love your dog. i want one so bad but well just have to wait on that...
Oh my goodness, your family is soooo adorable. Aren't little ones the BEST!!! I can't wait to meet little Ethan. Beautiful pics. . . infact we are having a big family reunion in Greer this summer (crazy huh, of all places who would of thought Greer)!!
How fun, Ash! Sometimes it is just nice to get away! So Joe does marketing? I didn't know that! That's so cool! Well I better see you when I come down in a week! Love ya!
Ashley! It looks so pretty there in Greer! I am glad you had fun. I absolutely LOVE your layout! It seems that is changes frequently! It’s always exciting to see what new changes you have made to it. This one is probably my favorite!
I didn't know you had a dog. I don't think I could handle another responsibility. Is it like having another baby?
Ash I love the pictures. You look so pretty in them and I just love your hair. I cannot wait to see it in person! Greer is so beautiful!
Joe is so dang funny! Go Barbs! I'm sure he was yelling those famous nick names at her during her jog, too!! HA! Noah lo9ves the Golf Cart. I'm sure Ethan looked so cute with the wind in his hair!
Some days I wish I had a dog that size... Baron can be a handful when he is as big as he is... Love the music on your blog...
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