But at the same time, at the end of a day of doing everything,
I can't remember what I did...
- take care of the children
- work
- clean
- cook
- Sleep
- Have a social life
- worship
- spend quality time with hubby
Those are all things that need to get done at some point in the day.
I wish I could just stop time, just for a minute so I could take it all in, really be in the moment. I want to look at my as it is now and just be..................
I see the elderly at church and know that I'll be there soon. All they can do is talk about the past because that's all they have, and that's what I'm living right now, the life they wish they could go back to. It's a funny paradigm.
True True. I love how you put it...we're hurrying up to slow down. I'm proud of you for fitting in a social life! That's actually one I really should work on...so...let's get together! (ya ya ya!)
This is beautifully said. I cherish watching my children with their children cause that is the life I loved. We are blessed with fantastic grandchildren.
Sometimes you have to just sit for a moment and think about the things that are real and the reason why we are here. The rest is just fluff.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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