Lazer tag

Stealing Time

- take care of the children
- work
- clean
- cook
- Sleep
- Have a social life
- worship
- spend quality time with hubby
Those are all things that need to get done at some point in the day.
I wish I could just stop time, just for a minute so I could take it all in, really be in the moment. I want to look at my as it is now and just be..................
I see the elderly at church and know that I'll be there soon. All they can do is talk about the past because that's all they have, and that's what I'm living right now, the life they wish they could go back to. It's a funny paradigm.
Ivy's Blessing day

We had a wonderful day when all of the family came to visit for Ivy's baby blessing. Church was at 9am so we were especially grateful to see everyone so early! Ivy's dress was absolutely fabulous. I wish they had it in my size! She was the bell of the ball and Daddy's blessing was so sweet!
After church we all came to our house for subs and mom's famous bowtie salad. Oh yah and yummy lofthouse cookies too! The family talked and laughed and the kids played and played.
After all the fun had ended, Ivy was zonked out. She needed some beauty sleep.
Home Sweet Home

Joe told me he's ready to get started on his master degree next year so we're gearing up for that!
I'm an Etsy Freak Lately, I love all things boutique on there. Also, we've seen AVATAR twice now, and I'm definately wanting to see it again before it leaves theatres. I LOVE that movie. I got the soundtrack to it and listen to it when I do my graphic design. It makes me happy! I tell Joe I wish he and I could travel to a bioluminescent world and be mated in front of the spirit tree... was that TMI? Well this is MY journal!