I woke up this morning around 6:20am, went outside, and I actually felt a cool breeze blow over me! I looked at the temperature and it was 78 degrees. I had to smile knowing that cool weather is soon approaching for us here in Arizona.
Of course along with the cool weather is always college football season! Those who know me know that I really don't like football, at all, I'm not a fan. BUT since Joe bought The Mountain TV network, we're the only ones in the family that have the BYU games to watch. This Saturday, we hosted the game at our house. I have to admit, I made a touchdown of a dip! Here's the recipe.
1 lb. ground beef
1 can Frito Lay bean dip
Small jar of taco sauce, medium or hot
2 c. shredded cheese
Nacho chips
Brown ground beef, drain. Put into 13 x 9 baking dish. Stir in bean dip and taco sauce. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes or until mixture is hot and cheese is melted. Serve with nacho chips.

All of it goes in the cute football bowl.
Twilight Zone Ashley

Okay, so I did a Twilight Zone theme to this photo, only because the look on my face says, "The world is going to be abducted by a giant alien and I'm in on it."

We decided to bring a blanket out in the backyard and relax on the grass for a while. These are some photos I took of my boys. Priceless. Then the ants started to come out crawl all over the blanket so we decided to call it a day.

This is where you'll find me on your typical day. I like to hang out on the floor with Ethan while we build forts or plays with cars. Barbie seems to find a way to wiggle herself into any nook or cranny that she can find on me. Silly girl.

We should have named her "Cinnabon" because she can curl up in the smallest little coils you've ever seen! Wow, that cinnabon makes me HUNGRY!
Those pictures are priceless. I can't even believe how big Ethan is. He is the cutest little man, and I mean that! don't tell any of the others! He is growing so fast and it is really sad to think it has been over a year since i have seen you all. waaah! :( and that cinnabon....mmmm.mmmm...good. i love those! that is my airport weakness! Thanks for posting some family pics! Good to see!
Hey, his hair is getting so long, and that cinnamon roll looks so darn good. How are you? Has anyone ever told you how much they love your layouts? Well I LOVE your layouts. Just thought you should know! Tell your hubbie I said hi!
Cute pics Ash! Ethan is so cute and I love that you compare your dog to a cinnabon, so funny.
P.S. I am coming to Mesa in Oct. and my mom and sisters are going to have a baby shower for me. I need to get your address so we can send an invite. It would be so fun to see you!
Hey! If you think that video about Barack is bad, you need to get on youtube and search THE SILENT SCREAM. It is a video of a man walking you through the abortion video. All you see is the picture of the ultrasound, but that is enough to remind you, for along time, how terrible we have become as humans!
PS. I was hungry for a cinnamon roll until you showed that picture of Barbs!
Cute pics! I'm not into football either. I only watch the Superbowl, and even then it's only for the commercials and party!
Ethan is getting so big! i think that he is looking like joe! we haven't seen you guys in forever! any trips planned to st. george? we are headed there in a few weeks...im excited!
ashley... ethan is getting so dang big! it goes by so fast... we sure miss you guys. that dip sounds delicious... i'll have to give it a try. i am going to a football party this weekend. i watched that obama thing and balled like crazy. i cant believe some people. what is the world turning into. thank you so much for educating me. i was never an obama supporter, but i SURELY will NEVER EVER be one now. and now i can educate more people on how UNQUALIFIED obama is and how he would ruin a very blessed and beautiful nation.
This was a more uplifting post than the last! Such cute pictures and I love the Twilight Zone one, too funny. You look so skinny in that picture of you on the ground. Call us so we can come hang out!
Yeah BYU football!!! We always have to go to Garrett's parents to watch the games because they have the Mountain.
Way to go on the dip! I'm not a football fan either, and gratefully, Micah isn't so much either. :) You look so beautiful, Ash!
ash.. i went to a football party and took your dip... and let me tell you, it was a HIT! thanks for recipe. it was gone so fast i hardly got to have some myself. you should keep posting recipes!
ps... everyone uses cutestblogontheblock. i looked at my aunts blog that lives in mt and she uses you backgrounds. my couisn in ohio, sc, and colorado all use them as well. i am so happy for you! and did i mention i LOVE your backgrounds. i might be in need of a facelift soon!!
Hi I am Jaymee (McLelland) Sirrine, Jessica's sister. I got a background from cutestblogontheblock and I don't know how to get all my text in the middle of the page. Is there any way you could look at my blog and tell me what I am doing wrong? I would really appreciate it! Thank you!
Hey thanks for responding so quickly! I am sorry to bother you about it, but I don't know how to change it to minima.. I am so sorry! Please help! :) thanks!
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