Oh my heck! I went to Disneyland! It really was a dream come true! My good friend BriAnne called me one day in January and asked if I wanted to go, and of course I jumped at the offer! So after roping my sweet mommy into babysitting, and my sweet sister into dogsitting, off we went! We had some problems finding the happiest place on earth (I hate navigation!!) but once we got there, we were like little kids again!!!

This is me outside my trailer! Okay, it's actually Cruella's!

This is Brianne and I the morning of the happiest day!!! We really were glowing with excitement!!!

We had so much fun riding Monster's inc!!

Okay so I didn't spend the $20 to buy the photo, but I took a picture of it with my camera. This is a picture of me in pure horror on the Tower of Terror ride, this is a picture of BriAnne in pure bliss, after having forced me to go on the ride!! I loved it after the 3rd time around. :)

Bri, thanks for the AMAZING trip!! I loved every second, even though we got lost on the way home too. I'd do it again in a second. Thanks for helping this mommy become a kid again for a few days! :)
Okay, how in the HECK did you get your pictures to look so cute???? Seriously I really want to know! Will you email me about it?? I love it! And you picture of us on the Tower or Terror turned out so good! I erased mine because it was so dark! I had such a blast with you! We really should make it an annual thing!!
YAY!! I am so glad that you had a good time! It is great that Bri could do that for you. Don't forget to do that for her, when she is engrossed in mommy-hood. Did you get a chance to read your BDay shout out yet???? Hmmmmm!
How fun that Bri and you hang out still. That looks like so much fun! I love the Tower of Terror picture!
I am a Disneyland junky! I love it too! I am so glad you got to go.
Could you email me again so I can invite you- Bran thought it was junk mail and erased your email for good. Sorry! kjholy@gmail.com Thanks!
ashley!! i LOVE your pictures! it looks like you guys had so muc fun!!
Like I told BriAnne, what a fun opportunity for you two to get together and have a girls trip.
How fun for you girls! Can I please tell you that somehow my fam tricked me into riding the Tower of Terror a few years back and I still have nightmares about it! I hated that ride so much, straight drops are so not for me!
I saw Bri's blog and had to come and see yours too. You guys are so cute. I love all of your pictures together.
Oh man I am so jealous!! You guys look like you had a blast! It's so awesome that you could get together!!
Hey Ashley! We just went private and I need your e mail so we can invite you! E mail it to mcknights06@gmail.com. Thanks!
Rufio...Rufio...Ru...Fi...OOOOOOOOO!!!! Bangerang Peter?!!!
You always did love those bad boys. You know the rebels that could crow and fight in tights!!
Oh how fun! I'm so glad you found us, your little boy is adorable! This makes me soooo excited to go to Disney Land (this summer) with my kids.
Oh I ♥ Disneyland!! I would go there every month if I could...seriously! And can you believe that my little Connor LOVES the Tower of Terror? It's one of his favorites. Oh those pics make me want to be there right now! I can just feel the floor dropping and my stomach coming out my ears...
p.s. thanks for the compliments on Sunday. You did awesome as well.
You are so creative with your pictures! I am glad you got a break! Looks like you had tons of fun!
That looks like so much fun, and you both look cute even with scared faces!
I love the new look of your blog, it always looks super cute!! And it looks like Disneyland was a blast!! I love the idea of just going there with a friend, I may have to try that sometime when I'm in need of a mommy break!! I love the Tower of Terror picture, I tried to take a picture of ours when we took the kids (yes, we took our 2 year old and 4 year old on that ride) and it turned out too dark to see!
Well we are long overdue for a "get together". I keep mentioning it to Justin, but I don't know if he has ever exchanged that info to Joe!!
Ash! Disneyland!?!? Lucky you! My sister in law left at three this morning to go! Oh how I wanted to go...lucky you girls! By the way, love your face in the last pic...Hahah! Lets hang out again. Soon!
Okay Ashley... I am comment # 19. That is so many. Guess what? I figured out how to do my own backgroud just like a big girl! And I even figured out how to make the background stay still. However, my paper that my posts are on still moves. How do you politly ask it to stop moving? If you have time, I'd love some help.Let me know what you think. Remember, don't laugh. I'm just a beginner.
Oh it makes me want to go!! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!! Friend trips are the best! Your blog is always so cute!!
Hey, how is everything going? Have you been finding website information that you are interested in? I assume that you have already seen Nisha and Randy's blog? (Dave's brother...) She wrote about her website on her blog, but I didn't know if you had read it, if not, you should check it out, her blog is on my links on my blog, I think it just says "Nisha and Randy." She has been doing so well with her website that I have finally gotten motivated again to work on my website. I hadn't done anything with it for the last couple months, but already you can find my website in yahoo seach on either the first or second page, and I haven't even submitted it to search engines yet! Dave found that if you type in either "jewelry ideas" or "jewelry making ideas" it comes up on the first or second page! That excites me that once I make my site worth looking at that I will be doing really well with it! Yay!
How fun Ash! Hey, I just put a plug in for you on my blog...go check it out and see how much I like you! And your blog backgrounds!
I am so glad you are into blogging. And so dang good at it too I might add!! I love being able to see what you are up to and I am glad you are doing so well. You look like such a cute mom and still such a sweet girl like always!! Love ya!!
OK funest pictures ever. You guys are way too cute!! Miss you ASH and Carly needs to see her boyfriend soon!!
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