I have a little talker on my hands! This child can say almost any word you throw at him. His newest is Helecopter. He's really not just a baby anymore. And I'm loving it! He's become my little buddy! He's helping me around the house, he's learning 'cleaning up.' And he laughs and smiles constantly. Honestly, it's such a pleasure being his mommy!
I'm starting a website for my Cutest Blog on the Block designs soon. This has been keeping me so busy! I've got so many facelift/card requests that I've hired on my sweet friend Becky as a partner. Poor girl had to learn Photoshop in a week! But she's been a real trooper, and now I have an office with two computers set up in my house, and when we're not chasing our children, we're feverishly designing things! It's a lot of fun!
Joe is loving his work with Ecolab, I'm so grateful he's found something that he loves to do!
I'm still in the Primary Presidency, loving it, and Joe is now Secretary in the Young Mens Presidency. We have started reading our scriptures together, and separately, and it has blessed our lives tremendously. I'm so grateful for the Brother from Elders Chorum who came into our home and reminded us how important it is!
You are busy girl! Good luck with your website, I know everyone loves your cutestblogontheblock blog. It's a big hit, you are so creative! Keep it up!
Love those pics of Ethan. he is a keeper! I'm amazed as I hop around the blog world, how many of your templates I run into!
You are huge! (In the good way of course!) I see your backgrounds all over. How exciting. And Ethan is so dang cute! And so BiG!
I feel bad now.... I need to start reading scriptures with Brandon again... He really is a beautiful boy. I love that he is your little buddy now.
Hey Ashley... I guess the great thing about blogging is that you get in touch with old friends again! Your little boy is just adorable! Great to see that everyone is doing so well.
Natalie (Nordyke) Francis
Wow, you are really busy! I'm so glad that you are enjoying it though! I'm so stoked to see your new website!!
Your little guy is so cute, it really is fun when they start talking! Thanks for the inspiration, Adam and I really need to read together, seprarately is good, together is better.
Hey, I just found this great article in my SBI website and thought it might interest you. Have you started creating a new website yet? Let me know how it's going if you have, I would love to check it out as you go along! Here's the link to that page: http://blogorbuild.sitesell.com/
I love your backgrounds! They are beautiful! Would you mind sharing the name of the font you've used - the cursive one with your son's name? I'm looking for it and can't seem to nail it down. Thanks!
you look like you've been very busy. i love the pictures you did of your boy. they are so precious!! hey i want to make sure you have access to my blog so email me at ellieadamson@gmail.com so i can add you ok?
It was so great seeing you at Camie's shower! You look great and so happy! Thanks for your help writing down the gifts while I ate!
Your blog is always so adorable. I aspire to one day be just like you! How amazing you are! I miss my family! I love the pics. I don't know that you'll have time to do this but you've been tagged. you can check out my blog to see the info. i'm hoping everyone will post it on the hunt blog! hope to hear from you soon!
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