I MEAN WELL when I head to the laundry room to iron my husbands badly wrinkled shirts. I try to think about my grandmother and mother before me who slaved over a hot iron with a happy smile and a song to press their loving husbands shirts. I mean why not? The man of the house goes to work each and every day to earn the bread money.

But the end result is always the same:
WE LIVE IN AN AGE where rockets are orbiting into space, computers are the size of jelly beans, and your car can parallel park by itself! So why oh why have we not invented an easier way to remove a wrinkle from my husband's shirt!!!

Hi I just ran into your blog the other day and I just wanted to tell you I think it's super cute. I make blogs too...well I try. I think yours are super cute though!
that is hilarious!! good for you for even attempting the ironing! we just stick it in the dryer! haha! i love that she turns into a firey red-head! we are so vicious! hahaha!:)
I love it ashley and I couldn't agree with you more! Ethan is so getting so big and still as adorable as ever!
That's too funny! And so true. Obviously the wrong people are in charge in this world. Let's get to the important things!
Hey just saying hi. I hope your doing good. Keep in touch!
I am laughing! The frustration is endless when it comes to laundry. Fortunately a dry cleaner will do it for you for $1.50, and way better that we could ever do it! check them out, dry cleaning is the new wave of high maintenace, and perfection!
Go Joe! The real American Hero...
Ha! Do what I do..spray a little wrinkle release on it and ta-dah! OK if that does not work I throw a wet rag in the dryer with his shirt..! HA..he loves me:)
I too think of the days of my grandmother--only she had a maid come to do all the ironing once a week...she was wise in more ways than I realize.
Amen! Why did I never have a young womens activity where they taught me how to iron? It seems young woments covered everything else. You are so funny!
I would be all for that... I HATE ironing!
you are too funny! when you find an easier way for ironing let me know!!
I could not agree more! Once I get Gavin's shirts ironed, I turn around the the iron basket is full again-- it is a never ending process that should be easier!!! Love the pictures!!
I love Ethan's hair. He looks so big now. Isn't it sad how fast they grow up?
Iron?! Whats an iron?;)
I hear ya! Can I just say that I suck at ironing! Dustin gets that job because I am no good-his solution: the dry cleaners!
Unless she was talking about the other website that does ones like you www.onecuteblog.blogspot.com
I hope she doesn't get in trouble like I did using shabby princess designs
Ash! Email me so I can add you to the private blog! Thanks girlie! kjholy@gmail.com
Ashley, that blog was hilarious. Your little boy is TO DIE FOR. So cute.
As I was browsing Blogs I just had to comment on this... I agree 100%!! But I just love the dry cleaners! Maybe I'll purchase a BIG PRESS like there's. I have 5 boys!! A lot of white shirt ironing for Sundays! lol!
Your Blog is great!! I use your cutestblogs, keep up the great work!
i agree with you... i think i have ironed once in my life... crazy!
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