We had three boys all around the same age at our house this week. It was so much fun to watch them all interect and play together already!

I love this no pants with boots look! ha ha!

We took Ethan to the fair this weekend. He had so much fun at the petting zoo and in the big stinky barn.

This is a picture of Joe eating a DEEP FRIED SNICKERS BAR at the fair! Just looking at adds dimples to my thighs. I did have a bite, and it was everything I imagined it would be. Now I have to run a marathon!
HEY!! LOOKS LIKE FUN! I love Ethan enthralled with Daddy mowing. He'll be old enough to follow him around with the toy mowers oon. They always love those.
Hey, Marissas blog is private now!! She ditched us with out sending any announcements! If she included you, will you send her my email address to add. I would love to check hers out:
It's a gay email address that gmail gave to me: teerlinkenator@gmail.com
THX!! LOVE!!!!
I'm going crazy with false contractions! Last night I had strong ones for like 5 hours. They were all over the place time wise.
That deep fried snicker bar sounds disgusting!
Wow he is getting so big! He is so cute! I agree, watching daddy mow is definitely exciting at our house too!
Seriously- your adorable son looks so much like you! I love fairs, carnivals, anything with rides and indian fry bread- how fun!
Okay, that deep fried snickers bar...what the?! What else will they think of? haha!
I love the pic of Ehtan watching joe mow the lawn!! Drake does the same thing with rick...I love it cause he will just stand there and stare and I can get stuff done!! The pics of the 3 boys are too cute!!
Cute, cute! I just noticed you don't have our blog on your list! Sorry, I look at your blog all the time, but I don't comment much, but I just wanted to tell you that I do look at it and I love seeing your little Ethan grow! BTW, have you been doing much scrapblogging lately or are you doing that other scrapbooking thing? I don't remember what you said was the new scrapbook site you use...
ok ethan is getting so big! i love it. and the deep fried snickers blog makes me want to gag! yuck.
i have always wanted to try one of those... the deep fried snickers... crazy!!!
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