I tell ya, it's wild the things a baby learns to do in a month. If I learned as much as he did in a month, as an adult, I'd probably be a rocket scientist or something! He got into these jones soda candy things and ate one. We let him finish it though because he loved it, we couldn't get it out of his mouth!

I walked into his room one morning and he's peaking at me over the crib! Look at those chunker legs!

He's pulling up on everything!!! I love this stage!!

And finally, we went from the scoot to the crawl in one day! Of course, it happened while I was gone and daddy was home with him so he got to see it first!

He can say so many new words too. Daddy, Hi, and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! He's extra smart, I know. :)
Man, they sure grow up fast... its amazing how smart they are... they catch on quick. Good luck keeping up with this little guy!
Aren't they so much fun? Love the pictures and Ethan has such a cute smile. It's so great to watch them figure things out. You are such a fun mom.
I just love his little Chicky fuzz on top. It is so soft and sweet!
ashley... he has the sweetest little face!!! when do we get to see you guys again???? we miss you guys!
I love these pictures!! You can tell he is so proud of himself when he is standing up in the crib!! SO CUTE!! I am so excited he is crawling(are you?:)) We need to get together so our boys can play and we can chat:)!!
Oh my gosh Ashley....he is so dang cute. I have loved reading all your posts. I have not been on for a while, so it has been fun to catch up. I loved the dance you did with us girls, i was laughing so hard!! You are the best. Hope to see you soon. Love ya!!
he is so adorable! and growing up so quickly. i love the chunky legs. looking at everybody's babies makes me excited to have my own (in about 7 more months; it feels like forever).
ASHLEY! It was so fun to see your comments on my blog! I'm so glad you found me. I'm totally new to this whole world of blogging so it was fun to see yours and all of the girls from high school! I'm pretty embarrassed about the way my blog looks compared to yours though! I need you to give me some tips, girl! I'm struggling! :) Ethan is so adorable! I can tell he's going to be very popular with the ladies! I'm sure he's already spoken for, but maybe we can work some magic between him and my six month-old!
It only gets better from here on out!! First the crawl, then pulling up, then climbing and walking--- it never ends!
It's so fun to see him grow and go through these familiar stages!!
Your son is so cute! I saw your link on Kelly (Bawden) Merrill's site. I'm not sure if you remember me. Bea (Muncy) Robinson. http://tyeandbearobinson.blogspot.com/
Your little man is so cute!!! It still amazes me how many pictures Gavin and I have taken of the two of us since we have been married vs. how many pictures we have taken in the last five months of Felicity! Kids are so much fun!!!
Hey Ashley your little guy is so darn cute! He looks just like his dad. It's so fun to see how great your life has turned out and to see so many people from High School. Thanks for writting!
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