We taught Ethan how to clap this week! He's so proud of himself when he claps, he looks around to make sure everyone saw him. I love this new 'monkey see, monkey do' stage!

Okay so I love giving Ethan foods that he can hold himself and snack on, but heaven sakes, these cookies are so messy! I have to hold him over the sink to wash him off I loved this picture of him with the smash of cookie in his hand!

I know, I know, kind of a slinky picture. Okay, so I like to watch Tyra on her talkshow and I always pause it if I have to get up and do something so I can come back where I left off, well I just happened to pause it while she was doing her 'so what' speech and she was just trying to emphasize her point. Tyra, love ya, but FYI, #1 your face looks like you're constipated, #2 your busoms don't need anymore emphasis!
ethan is so stinkin cute! i love the pic of the cookie in his hand. what a great photographer!
Eeeew Ethans baby goo is so funny. And I know that he knows he is a doll. I love how he looks around the room for approval. That little man will be crawling so soon.
That is hilarious!! Oh Tyra!
Oh my gosh! I thought that was so funny too! Tyra cracks me up! That girl has guts! Anyways your blog is so cute! I love all the videos! I need to figure out how to do that! :)
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