Ethan had his 4 month appt. today! He got four more shots in his legs. He cried and then I just held him and rocked him to sleep. The doctor said his height and and head size are in the 90th percentile! Joe says he's going to be "daddy's little pointgaurd." His weight is in the 50th percentile. I'm glad to have a healthy baby. :)
Hey Ash... I would love for you to email me some of those sites...my address is jamielynn_33@hotmail.com
I hate the shot thing too...I know we do it to help them, but I hate that it hurts them. I hope he is feeling better.
HI Ashley! I made my husband take Taylor the first few times so she wouldn't think of me as the one giving pain... they don't remember it anyway, but it stil broke my heart! This is Ashley Fuller (Farmer), I found your blog through a friend's... so glad to hear that you are doing well... I love your blog-- puts mine to shame! Anyway, just thought I would say hi!
http://happyfullerfamily.blogspot.com/ -if you wanna check it out.
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