The testimony of my brother Jordan, on a mission in Canada:
I don’t know how to tell you in words but I love Jesus Christ. He is truly our best friend. When we fall... he picks us up. He lifts our weary bodies upon his shoulders and carries us and our struggles. I love him so much. He lives!This mission puts a lot of things in perspective for me about myself and what I am meant to do for these people. For all I know I walk into people homes and start moving my mouth and the spirit speaks though me. I don’t know any doctrine. I have only read the Book of Mormon 3 times and that’s ever since I was in the MTC. I am nothing. I am merely the hammer that God uses to drive the spirit into peoples hearts. Why do I love this mission so much? I feel like I’m helping to make a difference. Baptizing isn’t my focus anymore. Obedience is my focus. All I have to do is listen to God and whatever He wants to happen will happen. It’s that simple. He created the earth, He created me and He is the almighty. What can’t He do? He can do anything, and so can we if we have faith and are obedient. That’s all it takes. Faith, obedience and endurance. Those 3 things enable the power of God to guide His children back into his kingdom where He waits with open arms. Ready to embrace us and say "well done". I am excited for that day!! I feel like I’m working towards it. It’s so exciting; there is hope to all of this craziness. I love you all. Keep smilingElder Big J Honey suckles
Hey everyone! The first time I read this, and every time since I have felt the spirit so strong as tears streamed down my face. So I wanted to share a peice of this with you. Jordan has changed so much since he's been gone, and he has lifted so many people...
What a great testimony. My brother just got home from his mission, and I have a brother-in-law out right now. I love recieving letters like this. It makes me what to be a better person. Thanks for sharing that with me!!!
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