Well, it seems the closest thing to me that's a camera these days is my phone, so I snap shots from there more often than my higher resolution camera, but at least it's something right?

I just got a new calling as young women secretary and it seems to be perfect for me! Look at these crazy miamaids! They performed a Mormon rap and it was hilarious! I so remember those days of being fancy free!
This is Ethan's way of finding things to do around the house. He loves to get creative with the baby contraptions that litter our floor.
We sat outside and watched the rain storm last week. It was so nice to smell the damp and feel the cool breeze! I would have stayed out all evening if we didn't start getting soaked!
First day of preschool! I took more photos that I'll be uploading soon! Ethan was such a big boy walking into class this year! much different than last year. He's becoming such a big boy! Daddy gave him a sweet blessing the night before and he felt so important!!!
Look at this little princess! This is the dress she wore to church last Sunday and it was precious on her. She kept tripping on it though because it's so long. All of the young women argue over who gets to hold her and Ivy is so good when she sits on their laps. I LOVE this little lady!
1 comment:
Oh Ethans head poking through the exersaucer! That is so funny. It made me laugh out loud! thanks for posting pretty!
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