So I recently designed some ads for one of my favorite clients. Lora Jenson, little did I know, she's a genius, so here's what one of the ads looks like:

Well I designed the ads, and chose the slogan "Easy, fun, you're done." and went about my daily life again putting Ethan in diapers just fine. Well then Lora so graceously sent me the Ebook. So I thought I would try it! WOW! A week later Ethan has gone a whole day without having any accidents! Was it easy or fun? No! Did it happen in just three days? No! But am I done potty training Ethan, YES! I am so happy that I did it. And I'm so grateful for my husband who didn't let me quit when I tried like 10 times! He just kept telling me it would be worth it. And the relief I feel right now is amazing!
I'm a busy mom, like most, and I think in the beginning I did not put as much focus into my child as he needed in order to complete the task in 3 days. Now I know for my next child what needs to be done. I wish I could send the Ebook to all of you out there, but I need to give credit where credit is due, so go to here site and purchase the Ebook: http://www.3daypottytraining.com/. You'll be happy you did!
On a side note, Joe and I played twister last sunday while Joe's brother Jeff called out the next move for us, I think he had it in for us, however because look at this horrendous pose we were forced in to:

We laughed until we cried, and then fell down. (I love how one of Ethan's cars is in any photo I take inside my house anymore, they're everywhere!)
love it love it love it!@!!!
That's how I potty trained Aaralyn too! I thought the money was well worth it! If I hadn't read that book I totally would have given up on potty training after the babies came and she completely regressed!
Oh my gosh...YEAH! Nice work! Now I'm still waiting for a phone call of an email *wink* on tips before I tackle it with Eden. She's doin pretty good on her own but it's time I just buckle down and do it!! I may even call/email you so don't be surprised!!!
That is hilarious!! I love Twister! Ok I just wanted to thank you for having all your adorable cutest blog on the block ideas... my blog would stink without you!!!! Ha! Ha! Anywayz~ just wanted to say thanks! Hope you guys are doing well! Your little family is sooo cute!
I am laughing so hard at that picture, that it brought me to tears!! That is sut funny!
Congratulations! I've heard that is ever so tricky, especially with boys for some reason-way to go! And that picture is so hilarious! Who ended up winning?!
That's our little mission now... I hope we can make the switch this weekend. Ben's been doing so well, it's just been finding the time to put towards it all. Congrats to Ethan and y'all!!
I always thought Joe's head was in the clouds... I see that I am wrong.
love you guys!!! miss you!!
What's that supposed to mean Jill?
It was so great to see you last night! Thanks so much for coming! I just wanted to tell you that I noticed that on the top of my blog background, you changed the logo and I love it! It is soo cute! I can't wait to see the new website! Love ya girl!
I'm so jealous!! I'll have to look into that book.
Good post from you.
Work from home
HAHahaha, oh goodness Ashley, you are hilarious. How are you guys? Good I see...no potty training means happy mom and happy mom means happy family! =) How cute!
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