I FINALLY read these books in like a couple of weeks. It took me like a whole year to read a Harry Potter book so I thought I was a slow reader, but APARENTLY I was reading the wrong books!
I hate it to jump on any bandwagon, but I have to admit, I have created my own little obsession with this story and the fact that there's a movie opening this week, is just too much to handle!
Here's one of my favorite quotes from the story:
“Bella, I’ve already expended a great deal of personal effort to keep you alive. I’m not about to let you behind the wheel of a vehicle when you can’t even walk straight. Besides, friends don’t let friends drive drunk,”“Drunk?”“You’re intoxicated by my very presence.”
Edward is so confident, and as I was reading the books I had to snicker every time he made a remark like this to Bella. :)
(I'm going to this movie Friday, if you'd like to come, call me!!)
Our last few weeks:

We had such a great Halloween party at Grandma and Grandpa's house! We showed off our costumes, bobbed for apples, pinned the nose on the pumpkin (which was very dizziying I must say) and ate so many fun foods! Lots of fun and scares for everyone!

Barbie Dress up like a cheerleader. She was a little immodest in her short skirt, but as long as she kept her tail down, she looked great! Also, you can see Joe tried his luck at bobbing for apples, he got a little but wet! That dissoriented looking woman spinning around on the bat is me. I was the laughing stalk of the family as I hobbled around trying to pin the nose on the pumpkin.

My neighbor Tonya let me borrow this adorable Yoda costume for Ethan and it looked perfect on him. Joe and I taught him how to say, "Yoda, I am" in a low scratchy voice.

Trick or treating was SO MUCH FUN! I had way more fun that Ethan did, and that says a lot because he couldn't contain himself, he was having so much fun! He ran into someone's home because he saw their pet kitty cat and he chased after it yelling, 'meeeeeeeeooooowww!' There were several cat chasing experiences. Now he wants to Trick or treat every day. I taught him the 'funny' trick or treat song. "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat."

We all got to ride in the fire truck together. It had a bell on it that went, 'ding ding ding' and that's all Ethan can talk about anymore is how he road on the fire truck, and daddy was holding him, and it went 'ding ding ding!'
It was such a fun day, and the admission was free!

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