For years I've wanted to host a
Legends Ball of sorts where all of the ladies who I grew up admiring and learning from would come and we would treat them like queens and tell them how much they changed our lifes and really thank them for being so fantastic. Well I hope to still do that one day, but as it would be a HUGE undertaking I was happy to see that Sidney Madsen decided to throw and mommy daughter luncheon to honor all of the mommies and daughters from the '6th ward' as I call it. The name has since changed. Here are some of the photos:

It was such a fun time. We had yummy food and everyone who was present got the opportunity to talk about their current station in life and also share a memory they had from the ward. Finally, I had my chance to thank Sister Poulsen for being such an amazing influence in my life as she was my leader most of childhood. The memories were hilarious and there was so much laughter. So I know it's never too late for me to plan the Legends Ball, so that will have to wait, and for now, this made me happy knowing I could reconnect with my childhood heroes and friends.
I snapped this photo of my old house while I was driving home from the luncheon. It's massive and there's so many memories for me inside that house! The balcony was so fun to have sleepovers on! The front yard was so fun to hide in. And millions more...