Yes I've got a two year old on my hands. It's seems the day he turned two, I started noticing that two year old mentality come out! Picky eater, fits, loves to say 'no', doesn't like lets celebrate this new stage of life shall we?
This was one of the funnest parties I've been to in a long time! It required all of us to become two years old again, because Mommy (me) made sure that we did all of Ethan's favorite activities!
-play with clay
-open presents
-cake time
-dance party!!!

Ethan turns into a crazy nut when we we blow bubbles! Angie made a comment about eating the bubbles, so Ethan started crawling all over the grass in search tasty bubble treats!

We did the HOKEY POKEY! I purchased a cd from the party store with all kinds of fun party songs, Ethan ran around in circles while all of the rest of us made fools of ourselfs doing the hokey pokey and the chicken dance! It reminded me of those fun days at Skateland!
That's what it's all about...yeehaw!