These are some pictures I took at the Phoenix Zoo this week. The zoo was practically empty so we had the chance to really see the animals up close. That little monkey and his monkey friends were running right past our legs! And we made sure not to taunt the tiger so he didn't come out and eat us like what happened at the San Diego zoo recently. Some people are, well, not smart. Ethan made connections between some animals he's seen in his books too. I love it that he's learning so FAST!!!
The zoo is so fun, my kids love it too. I got a kick out of Ethan on Santa's lap, classic.
Lets do it again!
i got to go to the zoo over thanksgiving with louis and we had the best time! i love the blog updates and how creative you are. i wish i was that creative....sad day.
You are way creative! I need you to give me some lessons. But cute zoo pics! Ethan has changed so much since I last saw him. These little boys are growing up too fast!
OH my gosh...I am so jealous!!! I love the zoo and have not been there forever! What good pictures you got too...way to go Ash!!!
Ashley, it's always so fun to hear from you! You and your family is beatiful---can't get over your sweet baby. Love ya!
Don't you love the zoo! That is so cool what you did with the coloring in your pictures. Congratulations on seeing the tiger. He never seems to be out when we go.
Okay, everytime I see your blog it is so decked out and way cute!! I'm so jealous!! I need to learn how to make mine as cute as yours!! Your pictures from the zoo are so cute and I can't believe how big Ethan is getting!! He looks so much like you!! How are you guys doing?? We need to get together sometime and catch up!!
Ash! It's so fun to hear from you! Your little boy is so stinkin' cute~! I tried to download one of your backgrounds like five times! I need help! It's the New Year's one with the bows--Help!
Ashley!! You might not even remember me...but we were roomnates in St. George!! Remember Kristie and Chelsea, the freaky hippies..It's Chelsea! My freind had a link on her blog that was called "cute blog layouts" so I clicked on it and there was a slideshow on it that had a picture of you and joe and SUCH a cute little baby that kept popping up. I started doing a silent scream...I am so happy to find you! What are the odds? You look SO beautiful and your little guy is adorable! I hope you are dojng well!
It's Chelsea from Dixie again! Oh man I am an idiot...I realized that my "identity" is a dead end. If you want to find me, and see my little fam, our blog is
Looks like you guys had fun! I love how you did the picture with the giraffes--color and black and white! Are you feeling any better? I hope so! Lets take the boys to the park next week if you are feeling better!
I love the photo with the giraffes, very cute.
Random memory alert...I remember when we were all living in Chandler and I was just pregnant with Matthew, we were at IHOP before going to a movie, and we were talking about baby names and you guys called dibs on Ethan. So when I first found your blog and saw you had a son named Ethan, I thought it was so cute and it brought back a lot of fun memories and a sad one (poor Dexter!).
I'm trying to get a new template for my blog and wanted to use your green hawiian one but it will only change my text color?? Can you please help me!!!
I need some serious help! I am creating a blog for the Westwood reunion. Can a Toro help a Warrior?!
Traci (Ahlstrom) Beagley
Thanks Ash! My new background is super cute! Thanks for taking the time to do that! I have officially put "thecutestblogontheblock" as one of my favorite sites! You're the best!
Cute new template!
Ashley your blog is so stinken cute! Well I had my baby almost two weeks ago. He is a clone of my first son. They look identicle as new borns. Hope your doing well.
Hey Ash,
Go click on my blog, and tell me what I need to do to get the text off of the sides and more centered. Thanks!
I had fun sitting by you and watching Ethan during church. He makes me smile!
Oh and I just saw your "True Love" mock up - so cute! How can I get that one??
ash you look so good. and your little boy sure is handsome!
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