This may gross you out, but it must be said...
Did you ever wonder why they bother to add scents to soap? You know -- scents like "lilac morning" or "grapefruit splash" or "evening dew" -- those kind of smells?
Soap companies don't want you to know, but here's the ugly reason...
They do it so you won't notice how disgusting the soap smells once you've washed your butt.
Studies show that 93% of people begin their showers by soaping the lower regions and working upwards. That means that 9 out of 10 people rub something against their face that, only moments earlier, was gliding and probing where the sun don't shine.
So now you know... The scents are added so you won't realize you're washing your face with tush-tainted soap.
But before you puke into your keyboard, check out Butt / Face Soap.
This brilliant cleanser solves the problem by clearly defining which side of the soap is for the face, and which side is for the butt.
The words BUTT and FACE are clearly molded into the sides of the soap. And, to make sure there's no confusion, the Butt side of the soap is brown. Crude? You bet. But it gets the job done.
Now that you know the dark secret behind soap scents, how can you possibly return to your old soap habits? For your next shower, switch to Butt / Face Soap -- And when it comes time to wash your face, fear not and breathe deeply. (just make sure you're sniffing the right side).
Did you ever wonder why they bother to add scents to soap? You know -- scents like "lilac morning" or "grapefruit splash" or "evening dew" -- those kind of smells?
Soap companies don't want you to know, but here's the ugly reason...
They do it so you won't notice how disgusting the soap smells once you've washed your butt.
Studies show that 93% of people begin their showers by soaping the lower regions and working upwards. That means that 9 out of 10 people rub something against their face that, only moments earlier, was gliding and probing where the sun don't shine.
So now you know... The scents are added so you won't realize you're washing your face with tush-tainted soap.
But before you puke into your keyboard, check out Butt / Face Soap.
This brilliant cleanser solves the problem by clearly defining which side of the soap is for the face, and which side is for the butt.
The words BUTT and FACE are clearly molded into the sides of the soap. And, to make sure there's no confusion, the Butt side of the soap is brown. Crude? You bet. But it gets the job done.
Now that you know the dark secret behind soap scents, how can you possibly return to your old soap habits? For your next shower, switch to Butt / Face Soap -- And when it comes time to wash your face, fear not and breathe deeply. (just make sure you're sniffing the right side).
This comes from a hilarious website called stupid.com and I've bought a few white elephant gifts from this website. Go there just for a laugh too!
That's so funny. I have seen a towel like that before. Perfect gag gift! I fixed my background to the wide and it looks much better! Thanks a million. I had tried to do that before, but it always pulled up some totally different background. I am so not smart at the computre, so you and Natasha have to show me the ropes! Thanks again!
Oh MY Gosh!! That is hilarious! Totally loving that. Think I need a get a few and pass them around!
I have to say the BUTT FACE is one of the funniest words ever! I am so tempted to call people/Ray that name sometimes!!
Ha ha ha, that is too funny! I love your new header! That picture of Ethan putting the ornaments on the tree is priceless! He is so stinkin cute! Ya, my background did disappear but it was time to do a Christmasthemed one so I picked a new onw. Let me know what you think! One question, is there a way to get it to cover the entire background? Look at my blog and you'll see what I'm talking about. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Thanks for all these adorable templates!
K I did it! Thank you so much for taking the time to change that for me! Looks much better, I love it! I know, can you believe hoe well it ended up matching my header?!? Thanks again, you rock!
I love the pic. with ethan next to the tree! How is he doing with the tree? Cant wait to shop til' we drop on sat! HA!
i love this. so funny. and cute pics on the top. your blog is always changing. i love it!
Thats a good one. How are you doing. Its been a while. We are no longer Queen Creekers. I always enjoy hearing from you. Keep in touch and if I dont see you have a good Christmas!
I love it. Thanks for the laugh! White elephant parties are the best and I can't remember the last time I was involved with one-but that is the perfect gift!
that just makes me laugh. where on earth do you find this stuff?
haha... that is funny... now i need to find a white elephant party to go to... i dont think they do that game down here... sad huh?!? i love that game it is always so fun!
Oh Ash.. you Kill me! Im still giggling
You have always had the best sense of humor. Love the gift idea.
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