We had such a fun August girl's lunch at BriAnne's mom's house. Thanks again to everyone who could come! We were so happy to see those of you who were in town for a few days pay us a visit too! What a treat! The food was great! I can't believe how much everyone's babies have grown too!

Ash thanks for the invite it looks like you had such a good time! i was at work but i would love to come to one someday! hopefully you guys keep having them through the years! that pic is fantastic!
How did I know some of these lovely pictures would pop up? I love the overalls girls!
Darling pics!!! It was so fun to see you again!
You guys looks so cute with your sweet babies. What a fun group of girls to watch grow up!
Oh, how fun! I wish all of my friends lived in town so we could get together more. Does everyone have kids? That cool that everyone still gets together! Everyone looked cute with their babies!
Ash it was so fun seeing everyone thanks for the cute pic of me and Myles. I wanna host a party next time Im in town!
Oh, I'm so sad that I missed out on this. But I am glad you posted all these cute pictures. Looks like lots of fun. I miss everyone!
Love that last picture! How fun! You have a good thing going there! :) Love to see all our friends with their babies- can't believe we are old enough for that!
It was so fun to see you and all the other girls there. We should do it again soon!
Tag would like to know when Ethan can come over to play!
Wow. The old pictures are nuts Ash!! I love the new header. The Black and White one of Ethan is awesome. Glad you guys had fun!!
Ha ha, that pic is awesome! Don't we all have those embarrasing ones laying around? ha Thta's so fun you all still get together and with your kids. It gets harder once you have kids to make that stuff happen. All the kids are so cute! Fun!
By the way, forgot to tell you I LOVE your new header collage of pic's. Creative!
how fun! I love the pics. I wish I lived in AZ to join in on all the fun!
who the freak suggested the winnie the pooh stickers! winnie the pooh stops being cool when you turn three.
how fun!!! i cant believe all those babies... so cute! dont you love old pictures...
That picture is too funny!I love lunches with old friends! I like your new template!
ash i love your secret message. youre so cute and clever! cant wait to hear about your trip!
Ash! your blog is wonderful! so dang cute!! how did you do it?? i thought you had to pick a template that was designed already... i am totally stupid when it comes to computers. i am just glad i figured out how to start the whole blog thing.
you have such beautiful friends, and a BEAUTIFUL family! i love hearing about you guys! keep it up!
ps... GFI forever!
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