The Devil:

Okay, I realized that if I didn't wean Ethan from his binky at seven months, then it would just get harder and harder to do it as he gets older. I mean, they write childrens books about this subject! So two nights ago I felt so ready to just do it. I learned from a friend to literally just let them cry anywhere from 5 to 40 minutes and they'll fall asleep on their own. Ethan screamed for what seemed like an hour (but it was only 15 minutes) and then he fell asleep. I was almost in tears myself, but I knew I had to do it! Since then, he's really done great falling asleep without his binky! SUCCESS!

These two are so happy when they're together! Ethan literally breaths harder and starts screaming when Barbie paces around.

This little play was so fun! Kali, my neice LOVES princesses! There's a part in the show we're the prince wants to marry another girl (who's not so nice) and Kali yelled , "Don't marry her! Arabelle's prettier!" I was so like that when I was little so I can relate! :)