(sorry the pics are so little on here, if you want to see the slideshow I made with music and such, and it's a lot bigger, go to
http://www.scrapblog.com/44DCC441-D783/0506867F-D3F3 We had lunch at my house on Thursday with all the girls. It's so nice to get together with everyone! All the girls brought food that started with the letter "S" for Spring so we had Serrano's, Spinach dips, Sweet treats, Soup, Salads, Skittles, Starbursts, Sourpatch kids, and Strawberry Gatorade! We took pictures of all the babies and it was a riot because one baby would cry and then the rest would cry but we were laughing too hard to do anything about it! Vanessa and Shannon were both in from out of town so it was a fun surprise to see them too!